What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that utilises hypnosis to facilitate change in thoughts, behaviours, and emotions. Hypnosis is a trance-like state characterised by focused attention and increased suggestibility. In this state, the therapist can guide the client’s subconscious mind to explore and address specific issues or goals.

Hypnotherapy uses the power of your own mind
to help you accomplish your goals.

During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist induces a state of relaxation and guides the client into a hypnotic trance. In this state, the client remains fully aware and in control but is more open to suggestions and can access their subconscious mind more readily. The therapist then delivers therapeutic suggestions or uses techniques such as visualization, imagery, or regression to help the client overcome challenges, change unwanted behaviors, or achieve specific goals.

Hypnotherapy is commonly used to address a range of conditions, including anxiety, phobias, smoking cessation, weight management, pain management, and self-esteem issues. It is important to note that hypnotherapy should be conducted by a qualified and licensed hypnotherapist who has received appropriate training.

How can Hypnotherapy Help Me?

Personal hypnotherapy gives you the opportunity to deal with a problem (or perhaps a number of issues) that are holding back your personal development in a day devoted exclusively to you.

Hypnotherapy sessions are ideal for:

  • Behaviour Change: Hypnotherapy can assist in modifying unwanted behaviours, such as smoking, overeating, nail-biting, or procrastination. By accessing the subconscious mind and altering patterns and associations, hypnotherapy can help you develop healthier habits and overcome detrimental behaviours.
  • Anxiety and Stress Reduction: Hypnotherapy techniques can promote relaxation, reduce anxiety levels, and help manage stress. By inducing a state of deep relaxation during sessions, hypnotherapy can help you access inner resources, develop coping mechanisms, and reframe anxious or stressful thoughts.
  • Phobias and Fears: Hypnotherapy can be effective in addressing phobias and fears. By accessing the subconscious mind and working with the root causes of these fears, hypnotherapy can help reduce the intensity and emotional response associated with phobic triggers.
  • Self-esteem and Confidence: Hypnotherapy can help boost self-esteem and enhance confidence levels. Through suggestions and positive reinforcement during sessions, hypnotherapy can help you develop a more positive self-image and overcome self-limiting beliefs.
  • Pain Management: Hypnotherapy techniques can be utilised to manage and reduce pain perception. By entering a relaxed state and working with suggestions and visualisations, hypnotherapy can help individuals alleviate or better cope with chronic pain, acute pain, or discomfort associated with medical procedures.
  • Trauma and PTSD: Hypnotherapy, particularly a specialised form called Hypnotherapy for Trauma (HPT), can be effective in addressing traumatic experiences and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Under the guidance of a trained therapist, hypnotherapy can aid in the processing and resolution of traumatic memories.
  • Performance Enhancement: Hypnotherapy can be utilised to improve performance in various areas, including sports, public speaking, creative arts, and academics. By tapping into the subconscious mind and reinforcing positive beliefs and visualisations, hypnotherapy can enhance focus, motivation, and confidence.

Am I Asleep or Unconscious during Hypnotherapy?

You are conscious and will remember the session, but you will be in a “heightened state” of consciousness. This is very similar to the feeling of being “zoned out” while driving or watching television.  It is as if your conscious mind is now in the back seat, while the subconscious mind is in the driver seat. The back seat driver may still chatter! Either way, you are still aware (sometimes hyper-aware).

What is the Success Rate of Hypnotherapy?

It is estimated that approximately 85% of people of all age groups will readily respond to clinical Hypnotherapy. It is often successful when other, more conventional methods of treatment have failed.

How Much Time Do I Need to Commit for Success?

These can be long and very rewarding days, and through personal experience, I believe them to be transformational days! You’ll will develop in quite amazing ways. It demands commitment to the minimum of 4 hours up to 12 hour or more, it could mean us working together over 1 or 2 days.

Find Out More About Hypnotherapy

Get in touch via my Enquiry Form, or call 01494 883815.

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