How To Counsel Subordinates (3 of 3) – Effective Leadership


As an Effective Leader you are a mentor and a communicator. In the last article we talked about scheduled and follow on counseling. This article takes another step and talks about “as required” or “on the spot” counseling. Usually these counseling are disciplinary in nature. I want to emphasize that if an employee does extremely well.

That is also an occasion for on-the-spot counseling. After all, to be considered Fair, Firm, and Consistent you should keep score in both directions.

1 Essentially, any action you need to document before the next scheduled counseling is done “as required” or “on the spot”. First, you need to observe the action in question and commit the details to memory. Or, if you have a pen and paper handy, jot down the notes.

Next, quickly type up the counseling form noting the details you observed. The details should be the simple who, what, when, where, why, how format. Then suggestions for improvement. And finally consequences of failure to improve if the counseling is disciplinary in nature.

Make a copy of the counseling sheet for the employee to retain as well.

Bring the person into your private space. In these instances you need a witness. The witness should be of equal or greater authority than yourself. The point of the witness is to get them to observe the counseling and write up their own “Memo for the record” which will describe what they witnessed and a statement concerning yours and the person being counseled attitude and behavior. At the end of the counseling have the subordinate sign and date the file copy of the sheet. Have the witness sign/date also.

All “as required” counsellings should have a follow up no later than thirty days after the counseling takes place. This is to ensure that goals (written as mission statements) are met and corrective action has succeeded. If the counseling was positive in nature, the follow on is just as important. I cannot overstate how important your organized counseling system is. In the next series on Performance Evaluations it will make sense.

These counsellings need a different style from the counselor. Instead of being a two-way conversation it should be one way or directive. That doesn’t mean shouting or cursing. But, the person being counseled needs to know that this is not the routine. This applies to both positive and negative counseling.
Do not get in the habit of stalking your subordinates looking for reasons to “write em up. And, remember that single acts of greatness are also worthy of separate counsellings as well.

“Verbal Counsellings” are useless. You may have to reprimand on the spot or praise on the spot, but the counseling should still be written up and conducted. If you simply say “I talked to him/her” you have no leg to stand on in case of any allegations brought against you or your department.
Also, if you merely talk to someone about something good they did, you are likely to forget it when time to write performance appraisals.

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