How can I find out if this is for me?
Therapy works for most people (there is about an 85% success rate) and it is unlikely that you will not be able to gain something by having Counselling or Hypnotherapy. You have nothing to lose by just talking to me

How long before I notice any Results?
This depends on you and varies from person to person. All people are unique and respond to Psychotherapy differently. Some people will notice a positive difference after just a few sessions.

How much does a therapy session cost?
Counselling and Psychotherapy fee per session (you maybe requested to a pre-payment plan of 2 sessions):

  • Trauma/EMDR Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy – £85
  • Couples / Family Therapy – £75
  • Therapy Home Visit – £85 + Travel Expenses
  • Therapy (Low Income) – £60

Group Sessions or Support for Staff/Employees is available for companies. Prices are available on request. Please contact me to book your session.

How do I know you are professional and qualified?
I’m Bound by GHR code of ethics and all Regulatory Bodies  -Look for a therapist that is qualified with a nationally recognized body such as the BACP British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, the Complementary Health Care Council. CNHC Register.org.uk or GHR General Hypnotherapy Register run by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council

Do you offer a guarantee?
No. It’s not possible to offer a guarantee –

I find it difficult to talk about my emotions and feel embarrassed- is this a problem?
Not really. All our conversations are strictly confidential and it is also the case that some therapy – such as NLP – can have positive benefits even if we don’t talk about specific problems.

What are the negative consequences of NOT having therapy, if I am suffering?
It goes without saying what the consequences of not losing weight or giving up smoking might be but what about chronic stress and all the other negative emotions that result from our problems – read this list of the ill effects of an unhappy mind over our bodies.